Anyone searching the Internet can find hundreds of companies selling pitbulls that claim to be as good as ours. Don’t be fooled, most of these so called companies don’t have the proper resoucers and are scamming people. I always hear people tell me I have found someone online that is offering me a dog way cheaper than the dogs you offer for sale. I tell them every time they would be a better option if your looking for the cheapest option. We have $20,000 – $30,000 in expenses, a month to just run our training facility. We have multiple employees, multi million dollar facility, taxes, insurance, food, training gear, camera equipment, maintenance of 50 acres, premium vet care for dogs, website maintenance, vehicles and much more. We have the highest quality set up for any dogs in the world and especially in the Pitbull breed. This does not happen for free and we don’t cut any corners compared to other companies who care for their dogs. Most of these breeders won’t let you come out in person because they have something to hide. We encourage you to come out in person because if you do we know you will buy a dog from us once you see our dogs swimming in our 3 acre lake enjoying life. I would even go as far as saying our dogs live on what I would call a resort for dogs or humans. Our dogs have more freedom and structured training than most humans have in their life and this is all very crucial with having dogs around your kids. So you don’t want us to cut corners on the dogs so don’t cut corners on what your buying for your family. Their safety should come first to you.
What we offer with most of our dogs sold: USDA certified health certificate, puppy care package, dog training support, obedience & protection commands on most of our puppies. FPM knows what it takes to go above and beyond. Our mission is to hand deliver the finest family dogs with the most advanced training for Pitbulls available anywhere in the world. We will do all of this in the most professional manner you have ever seen before.
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